Reverse electrodialysis

Impact of natural organic matter and inorganic solutes on energy recovery from five real salinity gradients using reverse electrodialysis

“Blue energy” technologies such as reverse electrodialysis (RED) have received significant research attention over the last several years as a means of generating clean electricity from natural salinity gradients (e.g., seawater and river water). To …

Osmotic ballasts enhance faradaic efficiency in closed-loop, membrane-based energy systems

Aqueous processes for energy storage and conversion based on reverse electrodialysis (RED) require a significant concentration difference across ion exchange membranes, creating both an electrochemical potential and an osmotic pressure difference. In …

Energy storage by reversible electrodialysis: The concentration battery

Reverse electrodialysis has long been recognized as a tool for harnessing free energy from salinity gradients but has received little attention for its potential in energy storage applications. Here we present the experimental and modeled performance …

Energy storage by reversible electrodialysis: The concentration battery

Reverse electrodialysis has long been recognized as a tool for harnessing free energy from salinity gradients but has received little attention for its potential in energy storage applications. Here we present the experimental and modeled performance …